Clear Creek School District Dinner Invitations and Interview Schedules

For this project, I designed dinner invitations and interview schedules for the Clear Creek School District’s Interim Superintendent position. The interview process started with the School District inviting the candidates to a dinner at a local pub, offering a casual environment to start getting to know the candidates. My design process started with a few sketches, leading to the design that can be seen below. This initial drawing served as a guide to use while creating my digital version using Adobe Indesign.

The initial design was successful at displaying the information in an appealing and concise format. Clear Creek and I decided to reverse the color palette and use the same layout for the interview schedules.. This built consistency throughout the invitation and the interview schedules, which provides the Clear Creek School District with a professional appearance as they work to hire a new Interim Superintendent.


Pre Press and Print Graphic Design


Peak Refreshments Graphic Signs